• Unleashing Opportunities: COSTAATT Graduate Career Fair 2024

    • 24/07/2024
    • Posted By : Brian Baboolal
    • Comments Off on Unleashing Opportunities: COSTAATT Graduate Career Fair 2024


    On Thursday, July 18th, COSTAATT’s City Campus became a hub of career opportunities and professional development as it hosted its annual Graduate Career Fair. The event, which ran from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, brought together top employers and eager graduates, all under one roof, to foster connections, share insights, and pave the way for bright futures.


    The day was packed with activities designed to equip graduates with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the competitive job market. Formal job interviews were a highlight, providing students with the chance to secure positions with leading organisations. Mock interviews offered valuable practice and feedback, helping attendees refine their interview techniques and boost their confidence.Professional resume and cover letter reviews were another key feature, with experts on hand to provide personalized advice and improvements. This service ensured that graduates presented their qualifications in the best possible light, increasing their chances of making a strong impression on potential employers.




    Networking sessions allowed participants to engage with professionals from a wide range of industries, facilitating meaningful connections and expanding their professional networks. These interactions offered invaluable insights into various career paths and the skills required to succeed in them.



    The Career Fair also featured the Professional Closet initiative, which provided free business attire to attendees. This thoughtful service ensured that all graduates had access to professional clothing, helping them make a positive first impression during their job search.

    The event was supported by an impressive list of organisations, including the Airport Authority of Trinidad and Tobago, Bryden Group of Companies, Childline T&T, CLICO Credit Union, DELOITTE, Eve Anderson Recruitment, First Citizens Bank, Guardian Media Limited, HRMATT, JMMB Bank Limited, Lonsdale Saatchi and Saatchi, NALIS, NCRHA, NWRHA, Unified Network Development Systems Limited, and the Unit Trust Corporation.




    COSTAATT’s Graduate Career Fair 2024 was a resounding success, providing graduates with the tools, connections, and confidence they need to embark on their professional journeys. The event highlighted COSTAATT’s commitment to supporting its students and preparing them for successful careers.