Systems Analysis and Design
Systems Analysis and Design
This course will provide an in-depth and critical look at process of information system development focusing on its selection and use within businesses as they seek to gain competitive advantage via these information systems. Student will be exposed to past and current trends in system development methodologies, as well as the various tool and techniques available for system development. The course will prepare student for the role of a system analyst, as phases of the development cycle will be fully investigated with special emphasis on the gathering and structuring of system requirements. The course will be based on the ideology of the Unified Modeling Language; a modern approach to system development.
Applicants seeking admissions to this short course must be sixteen (16) years and over.
8 weeks
Location: City Campus
Day: Tuesday/Sunday
Time: 5:00PM – 8:00PM / 2:00PM – 5:00PM
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All applicants are required to submit supporting document with their application